But the choice is yours...and that's what really matters...
When she was saying these words, I couldn't grasp the true meaning...I don't had the wisdom... But now when I look back to my past, the path through which I travelled, the decisions I made, the mistakes I made, the relations I made, the relations I spoiled, the thoughtless words that I used, the complaints that I made to my parents, my short temperament, everything points to one and only one thing...CHOICE..I had the choice...And its me who choose...not anyone else...hence I'm no way justified if I ever blamed others...
Some of us though we have all the happiness in the world, all the necessary wealth and material things in the world, though we are blessed with loving parents, though we've a quality lifestyle and health,...still WE CHOOSE instead of THANKSGIVING, COMPLAINTS!...We complain to PARENTS, we complain to our GOD, we complain to OURSELF...
Do you find your self in such a situation? If so, ask yourself a question, WHAT WENT WRONG? WHERE IT WRONG? WHO WENT WRONG? ...if God grant you the wisdom to realise the answer, then you will SEE that the answer is YOU!!!
CHOOSE to be THANKFUL...CHOOSE to be OPTIMISTIC...CHOOSE to be a ROLE MODEL for others....
very true !!! we are the one's to be blamed for wadevr happns in our life ...be it good or bad ! good going alex